Welcome to Hastings Choristers ! 

Home Our Story Membership Concerts The Armed Man Choral Festivals

Tony Backhouse conducting Hastings Choristers at the Uniting Church, Port Macquarie on Sunday 30 July 2023 (Credit )


Latest Concert: "Music of the Night" at Port Macquarie Glasshouse Saturday 25 November 2023

Full details are here

About Us:

Our Mission:

To enjoy making music together...

To provide our audiences with quality choral concerts covering a broad range of musical styles and periods...

To foster enthusiasm and interest in singing in young people...

Hastings Choristers Inc was formed in 1990 as a community choir to promote the art and practice of choral singing in the Hastings region.  During more than three decades under the direction of Robyn Ryan OAM, the choir expanded its activities both in repertoire and fields of operation. Its reputation for excellence has resulted in many invitations to perform - in the Sydney Opera House, the Town Hall, and other Sydney and regional venues.

You too can be a part of exciting and innovative music-making, by joining the choir family of the Hastings Choristers choirs Cantorus and Cantabile. Weekly rehearsals, regular newsletters and social functions are all part of the modus operandi of this wonderful organisation dedicated to spreading beautiful choral sounds far and wide.

Hastings Choristers welcomes all those who wish to sing at a performing level whether novice or accomplished.

As a mixed voice SATB choir (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) there is a place for all voices in CANTORUS. All singers, especially men, are warmly and enthusiastically welcomed to pursue their love of singing at our weekly rehearsals held at MacKillop Senior College Hall, Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie.

Contact Us:

President - Sue Creech

Musical Director - Christine Wells (Relieving)

Mail - PO Box 1979, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444

Email - hastingschoristers@gmail.com