MembershipMembership of Hastings Choristers Inc is open to all who enjoy choral music. Those who do not wish to sing are most welcome to join in a supporting role. The requirements specifically relating to singers are not relevant to them. Hastings Choristers ChoirsHastings Choristers Inc is the legal entity responsible for the operations of all its supported choirs. At present, these consist of adult choirs Cantorus (SATB) and Cantabile (SSAA). The four sections in Cantorus (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) each have sectional representation. As well as group rehearsals, sectional practices are held when necessary to assist with part work. Most members of Cantorus are able to read music. Members who do not read music usually have a good musical memory. A small portable recording device to record parts during sectional rehearsals may be beneficial to those who have difficulty reading music. Extra help in learning music can be found on a webpage originally created by one of our members here. Members must be able to sing in tune and maintain this whilst singing against other parts. How to JoinIntroductory ProcedureIf you are considering membership of the Choristers we suggest that you attend two or three rehearsals to see if this choir is right for you. Rehearsals are held in the MacKillop Senior College Hall, Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie, and commence at 6:30 pm sharp each Monday during school terms. AuditionIf you decide that you would like to continue then the Musical Director will give you a short simple audition and place you in the section most suited to your voice. FeesHastings Choristers is a not-for-profit organisation and keeps its fees to a minimum. Fees are charged to cover insurance against public liability, to pay our musical director and accompanist, to purchase music, to hire venues and cover other costs related to rehearsal and performance. Membership and Music fees are due annually and rehearsal fees are due at the beginning of each term. Health and SafetyThe health and safety of our choirs is very important to us. Our H&S policy is available for download. You will need Adobe
Reader to view and print this .pdf document.